查看完整版本: 兩台不同攝像機器拍到的神奇功柱
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chjiansp 發表於 2009-5-28 10:36 AM


【轉載地點】: YouTube




On May 9, 2009 6,000 Falun practioners lined up on a grassland in Ken-ding, southern Taiwan to form the shape of the book Zhuan Falun, which is the guiding book of Falun Gong, in celebration of the spread of Falun Dafa in the world and the coming birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong.

A practioner filmed the surrounding practioners accidentally , which showed that there are energy columns (Gong Zhu) on the heads of Falun Dafa practitioners, and the columns moved alone with the practioners movements.

Falun Gong practices cultivation and exercise. The practioner will demonstrate signs in another dimension which can not be seen by the physical eye. Sometimes people with extraordinary abilities can see some of them, sometimes cameras or video recorders can capture some of them at some specific moments. The energy columns in these clips are really amazing. It signifies that the universal truth is gradually revealed. Do not refuse the truth in this special epoch in history.

二零零九年五月九日,台灣六千餘名法輪功學員在南台灣風光明媚的墾丁風景區埔頂大草原 集體煉功,將指導修煉的《轉法輪》這本書,金光燦爛的排演出來,提前慶祝紀念大法洪傳 與感頌師恩這神聖光輝的日子。

當天,一位宜蘭法輪大法弟子無意中拍到一群在休息時的法輪大法弟子頭頂上的奇特的光柱 。以下從錄像中截取的畫面上可以看到每個弟子的頭頂都有沖天的光柱,而且是隨著人的走 動而移動。

法輪功是性命雙修的功法,修煉者的身體在另外空間會表現出許許多多的生命現象,但是肉眼看不見,有功能的人能看見一些。有時候照相機、錄像機能夠在某一時刻捕捉到另外空間的表現。從這些圖片裡看到的光柱,不能不感到震撼,從另一方面來講,它的出現是在向人兆示,真相正在一步一步的顯示給人類。在這個人類的特殊時期,別拒絕真相。...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><div></div>
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